Missed my previous Yoga with Adriene posts? Check out 30 Days of Yoga, Revolution, Yoga Camp, TRUE, and Dedicate! First time yogi? Find my tips for starting your at-home yoga practice here!
As is tradition, in January 2020, Adriene Mishler released her latest 30-day yoga series on YouTube. This year’s theme was “Home”, both in the physical and the metaphorical sense. It was a return, for many, to an at-home yoga practice, while also an opportunity to journey inward and feel “at home” in our own bodies. I personally waited until June to participate in this series, and I’m glad I did. It truly felt like this Yoga with Adriene Home series was a love letter to those of us struggling with the circumstances of 2020… Even though it was released months before most of the world heard the term “global pandemic“.
Is Adriene a psychic? We may never know.
Physical Expansion
In contrast with Dedicate, Adriene’s 2019 series that I completed just before this one, I found that Home allowed for a bit more growth in my physical yoga practice. As always, Adriene provided plenty of accommodations or “pit stops” during a sequence. But I was glad to be working again on some of the more challenging postures for me, like Crow and Dancer. Plus, I found that Home provided an excellent blend of restorative and active flows, so I didn’t feel sore or tired during the series.
Commitment & Consistency
Because of the built-in “rest days”, I had no trouble sticking with the Yoga with Adriene Home series for the full month. Aside from the first and last day, all of the videos were around 30 minutes or less, which helped me plan my morning routine around my new yoga commitment. The emotional lessons Adriene provided built on each previous day, and this also kept me motivated to continue consistently.
The Journey Home
The theme of this series was consistently and excellently applied across all 30 days. I was challenged to focus on my mindset as I approached difficult postures, deeper stretches, or even deep breathing. Gratitude was a key element in the mental and emotional message of the series, and this transitioned easily into an emphasis on self-care and self-love. I found that “Home” was an easy theme to connect to, given the many literal and figurative layers that could be applied on a particular day depending on how I was feeling.
Move like you love yourself. Even if you’re not sure, let’s experiment.
Adriene Mishler, Yoga with Adriene: HOME, Day One
Perfect Timing
One of my favourite parts of the Yoga with Adriene Home series was the comments on YouTube. While some were from the initial release in January, many were messages of gratitude and connection in the midst of quarantine. From seniors taking up yoga to combat loneliness, to high school students completing the series as part of “gym class” and finding self-love in the process, it was seriously heart-warming to see the world come together through yoga. In fact, news outlets picked up on the sweeping sensation of Adriene’s channel during lockdown. As a channel subscriber, I am immensely proud of Adriene’s success and the impact she is having on millions of hearts in this difficult time.
To be honest, this was the first time in six series with Adriene that I cried, out of gratitude and nostalgia, toward the end of Day 30’s self-guided practice. No matter what challenges you are facing at this moment in the world, I hope Home provides you with comfort, grounding, and connection through mind, body, and spirit.
An invitation
A welcome
To discover
And re-discover
How good it feels
To be on the Journey,
Adriene Mishler, Yoga with Adriene: HOME
Did you complete the Yoga with Adriene Home series? Share your thoughts and lessons from your 30 Day Journey in the comments below!

Hello darling
Thanks for your reviews of the Adriene 30 days challenges. I have done the 30 days of Yoga and Revolution and I wish something more challenging. The Dedicate had a really slow start in my opinion, so I think I will skip to Yoga Camp or Home. I wonder if you have done any reviews on her random videos. I absolutely love the Compassion one (about an hour duration) and I seek for more recommendations of her long videos. Many thanks!!!
Honestly I’ve only done a couple of the one-off videos! I’m a big fan of routine so I tend to enjoy the 30-day programming. But every so often I’ll look for one of her videos if I’m feeling something specific, especially the 7-minute ones she did a couple of years ago. I’m glad you love the Compassion video, I’ll have to check it out!
Hello Hillary,
Thank you for your review, I have completed day 1-4 thus far and as we are in a lock down in our country with covid cases increasing at alarming rate during our second wave, I will be staying at home and working through this 30 day programme. It is with fascination that I learned that this was released in January 2020 when none of us knew what lay ahead.
Isn’t it incredible? The fact that she called it “Home” – it’s like she KNEW! 🤯 Glad it’s helping you stay home and stay safe!