Three Simple Lessons From My 30-Day Glow Up

Three Simple Lessons From My 30-Day Glow Up

Welcome to September! We’ve officially reached the last four months of this crazy year. (I’m not saying I wish 2020 was over, but, I mean…) It’s also my 27th birthday today, and I have to say, I’ve really been feeling the memes lately. So I decided that the month leading up to my birthday called for a glow up!

The memes about your twenties are REAL. This calls for a glow up!

I registered for a 30-day Manifest Your Ultimate Glow Up course from my business coach Kelly Marcyniuk, a.k.a. The Freedom Babe, at the end of July. I dedicated the month of August to my glow up. This meant committing to a morning meditation and journaling practice, plus completing a set of workbooks to help me create the vision for my next level life.

As a life organization coach, one of the foundational principles of my work is personal development and mindset growth. After all, if you Marie Kondo your home but your thoughts are still cluttered, you’re still going to feel totally overwhelmed and disorganized! Today I’m sharing my biggest lessons from this glow up process and how they’re working their magic in my life.

Lesson One: Get Clear on the Vision

I thought I knew going into this process what I wanted my “glow up” life to look like. But I have to admit, the vision evolved over the month — and got even more aspirational! I recognized the areas in which I was holding myself back and resorting to what I thought was “realistic”. This process helped me narrow in on what my next steps toward those goals might look like. The “Glow Up Vision” workbook in this course helped me iron this out for myself, but a vision board on Pinterest can do the trick as well!

Lesson Two: Release What’s Holding You Back

This step requires a bit of digging. Here we’re identifying the negative thought patterns or habitual emotions that keep us stuck where we are instead of allowing our glow up to happen. For me, this was a couple of things around anger, resentment, and cynicism (which also showed up in the next lesson). Really, the biggest takeaway from this section is awareness: realizing where these patterns came from in our past, how holding onto them is impacting all the areas of our lives, and what becomes possible once we release them. This process is an ongoing one, but it’s really powerful stuff.

Lesson Three: Feel Your Glow Up NOW

As an overachiever who believed that pessimism was “just being realistic” and “not getting my hopes up”, this has been the hardest lesson to learn. But the fact is, the key to creating your dream life is feeling good along the way. The daily meditations in this course encouraged me to focus on the feeling of achieving my goals and desires. And from there, I could focus on how to create those feelings in my own life every day.

For example, in my dream life, I’ve got a lakeside view from my second-floor balcony. (Fancy, huh?) In my current reality, I have neither a lakeside view, nor a balcony… But I can go for a walk by Lake Ontario and experience the same serenity I feel in that dream life vision. Or perhaps I can do some work from home on my back porch and soak in that Vitamin D. (You know, before the snow starts back up again… Canadian weather, am I right?)

Is it time for your glow up? If you’re ready to finally get your life organized and make the most of 2020, book your free intro call and learn more about my signature life organization coaching program. Can’t wait to connect with you!

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