6 Steps to a Total Closet Clean-Out

6 Steps to a Total Closet Clean-Out

If you’ve been following along on Instagram, you’ll know that I just completed a wardrobe overhaul this weekend. My husband and I bought a new dresser to consolidate our individual ones, in the interest of space in our bedroom and slightly downsizing our wardrobes. I feel so much more relaxed and at ease knowing that I’m not wasting space on clothing I no longer wear. You can catch all the action in my IG story highlights! And today, I’m sharing the six-step process I followed to undertake this closet clean-out. I hope this inspires your own spring cleaning and organization efforts!

Step 1: Prepare for the Closet Clean-Out

Collect everything you will need for your closet clean-out ahead of time. Start with a bottle of water — it’s crucial to stay hydrated throughout your day! Also bring a bag or bin in which to place your clothes to be sold or donated. If you already have drawer dividers (or shoeboxes, etc), bring those too; you’ll use them in Step 5.

Step 2: Create the Clothing Pile

Bring all your clothes into one spot. Yes, this might mean scouring your house for all the surprising places your clothing might be hiding! It’s helpful to see all of your clothes in a giant pile on your bed or on the floor – it really puts the volume in perspective and lights a fire under you to reduce!

Step 3: Sort into Categories

Organize your clothing by category. You define the categories! You might just have the basics (tees, blouses, jeans) or you might get more specific, like I did (athletic socks vs regular socks, sentimental tees, logo shirts I only wear to work).

Step 4: Time to Reduce

Evaluate each category and identify unnecessary duplicates or items that no longer belong in your wardrobe. This step is where you choose items to sell or donate. If you come across any articles of clothing that you haven’t worn in the past six months, or seasonal clothes you haven’t worn in over a year, it might be time to part ways with them. (Feeling some guilt around letting these items go? We’ll dig into it later on in this post.)

Step 5: Put the Rest Away

You’re almost done! Now put whatever clothing you have decided to keep back in their designated drawers or closets. Keep in mind that the categories you use the most often should get the prime real estate in your closet. Make those important items super accessible! Another great tip is to use drawer organizers to keep different items separate. (I have these ones from IKEA.) This can be specially designated boxes, or even shoeboxes you have around the house.

Step 6: Take a Breather

Your closet clean-out is now complete! Celebrate by getting outside and enjoying the fresh air. Physical organization can be stifling and exhausting. It’s important to reward your body with fresh air and light exercise to shake off the cobwebs and restore your energy.

A Note on Guilt

Once you’ve finished the closet clean-out process, you should have a bag (or two!) of items you’d like to take out of your wardrobe. You may be feeling some hesitation at this point. This might be because: 

  • These items are in perfect condition, and they just don’t suit you.
  • They were a gift from a loved one.
  • You were saving them for a special occasion or rainy day that just never seemed to materialize.

All of these are perfectly valid reasons to let go of an item of clothing – especially if you are selling or donating it to a new, loving owner. But that doesn’t mean you feel 100% on board from the start. I learned a practice to handle this guilt from Marie Kondo’s bestselling book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. Consider that this article of clothing has already served its purpose in your life – whether that was to be worn and loved for years, or only a couple of times, or simply to be received as a gift from a loved one. Either way, now that this purpose has been fulfilled, it’s time for this item to move on and bless its next owner. It’s time to let it go — whether that’s through donation, consignment, or direct reselling online or in person.

What are your best tips for a successful closet clean-out? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

[Psst — did you know that the VIP level of my Simple Harmonic Life Program includes an in-person deep dive session on a life organization topic of your choice? Yup, we can even organize your wardrobe together! Book a free intro call with me for all the details!]

6 Steps to a Total Closet Clean-Out

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