Why I’m Taking a Quarantine Staycation

Why I’m Taking a Quarantine Staycation

I’m officially on vacation! Yes, I know there’s a global pandemic, and no, I’m not going anywhere. My decision to take the next week off has garnered some curiosity from friends and colleagues that essentially boils down to one question: “Why?!” So today I’m explaining why I decided to take a quarantine staycation — and why you might consider doing the same.

Mourning my “Real” Vacation

Like many of you, my family and I had a vacation booked this spring that has been postponed for the foreseeable future. We were headed to England and Scotland to act like tourists, enjoy the scenery, and see where my grandparents grew up. Alas, as borders closed and flights were cancelled, hopes for the trip evaporated. We were pretty bummed, to say the least.

I’ve seen posts all over social media talking about this phenomenon of mourning the events we had been looking forward to. There is a lot of guilt in that feeling, knowing that so many others are dealing with health crises and financial worries. But we are still experiencing a loss — of normalcy, of excitement, of weddings, birthdays, and baby showers (not to mention birth plans). And yes, travel for personal enjoyment is fairly low on the list of severity, but that doesn’t mean we won’t experience the twinge of grief in letting it go. So taking some semblance of a vacation, albeit a much more constrained one, provides the space to process those feelings.

Burnout Doesn’t Take a Day Off for a Pandemic

My last vacation was back at the end of November. (Yes, if you’re wondering, it was a cruise!) That might not seem that long ago, but a lot has happened since then. I launched my business right when I got back, and had I’d grinding toward some super tight deadlines in my corporate job from December all the way to April. Late nights, full weekends, so much going on… Friends, I needed a damn break.

Honestly, I feel like this “quarantine staycation” is a blessing in disguise. Compared to a go-go-go vacation in a new country with lots to do, this week will give me the chance to slow down, rest, and reconnect. For example, I’m committing to a 30-day yoga practice (this one) and using this week to get into that habit. I’ll also have some time to create some really cool content for my business, without the looming fear that the the weekend is already coming to an end.

One of my goals for this week is to spend less time watching TV or scrolling through social media. I want to be taking a real, restorative break, not just zoning out and numbing my feelings. (If you haven’t already, check out my blog post all about rest and self-care in light of COVID-19!)

Aligning on my Priorities

If there’s one thing this global situation has provided all of us, it’s an opportunity to reflect on what matters. Things have changed and been taken away through a process that most of us never saw coming. And as we face uncertainty together, we are forced to consider: are we truly spending our time doing what we love?

Taking a quarantine staycation is an excellent way to pare those responsibilities back even further. It’s a time for introspection and self-discovery. You can almost liken it to a retreat, where you’re out in the middle of nowhere to reevaluate your life. Except the “middle of nowhere” is your own living room!

Are You Taking a Quarantine Staycation?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

P.S. Want to spend some of that time at home finally getting your life organized? Click here to learn more about by Life Organization coaching program!

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