Productivity: All About Energy Management

Productivity: All About Energy Management

Do you ever struggle with productivity? Feel like you’re spinning your wheels, constantly unmotivated, and yet still tired and burned out?

Here’s the truth: staying productive isn’t a matter of being superhuman. And it’s not about waiting for motivation to arrive on your doorstep like an Amazon Prime delivery. The key to productivity is mastering the art of energy management: your awareness, utilization, and manipulation of your energy.

Productivity Phase 1: Energy Awareness

When you’ve got a lot going on, it’s important to realize that different activities require different types of energy. We’re talking physical, mental, emotional, creative… You’re a complex human being! As a side hustler, I often need to navigate the varying demands of many areas of my life,

  • When are you most creative?
  • When are you focused?
  • When are you physically energized?
  • When do you always feel super distracted – and what do you feel like you need in those moments?

These questions might be hard to answer if you haven’t been paying attention! I recommend taking a couple of days to do an “Energy Audit” and keep track of how you feel throughout your day. Try using a quick journaling/mood-tracking app like Daylio to record your findings!

Productivity Phase 2: Energy Utilization

Once you’re aware of your energy patterns, it’s time to put them to good use. In crunch time, it’s more important to be true to yourself and your natural rhythms than to adhere to a rigid schedule that works for someone else. You hear a lot of gurus telling you the “perfect formula” for a productive day, because “that’s what CEOs do”. And I’m calling bullsh*t.

Here’s an example: if you’re the kind of person that is really creative at night, but the gurus are telling you that you have to go to bed at 9PM, you’re not taking advantage of your personal energy patterns that will help you accomplish your goals.

Armed with awareness, I encourage you to schedule your daily and weekly routines around your natural energy patterns. This goes for both expending and recharging your energy. (For more info on recharging during the pandemic, check out this post!)

Don’t get me wrong: this will take time and some getting used to. Your current routines might be shaped around others’ expectations and demands on your time. But remember that the more you utilize your natural energy patterns, the more you’ll check off the to do list and the better you’ll feel in the process. It’s a win-win!

Productivity Phase 3: Energy Manipulation

“Manipulating your energy” sounds a bit sinister, but I promise, it’s a much more positive experience than it sounds!

Sometimes your personal energy patterns don’t match your real-life responsibilities. You might have a deadline, a commitment, or chores to get done around the house. While you’d ideally rest or focus on something else, based on your current energy levels, you simply don’t have the time to wait for your energy to catch up. That’s where energy-shifting activities come in.

Here are some easy ways you can shift your energy into “productivity mode” without slogging through it:

  • Take a walk outside
  • Listen to some energizing music
  • Throw a mini dance party (just for you, or for your household!)
  • Move to another room of the house
  • Put on an outfit that “feels different” – for me, putting on jeans means it’s time to get things done
  • Turn on a podcast or audiobook, especially if you’re doing physical chores that don’t require mental attention
  • Take a couple of minutes to meditate or try EFT Tapping
  • Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee (actually enjoy it, don’t just guzzle)
  • Share your favourite energy-shifter in the comments below!

Now, a word of caution here. Manipulating your energy to get things done is a temporary measure. Awareness of oncoming burnout is crucial here, and taking a walk around the block can only take you so far. In the end, you still need to respect and recharge your personal energy levels. After a brief period of “crunch time”, be sure to take stock and rest up, returning to your natural patterns as soon as you can.

I hope these energy management tips come in handy as you boost your productivity, crush your goals, and feel great this year!

Productivity: All About Energy Management

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