How to Organize Your Life for the Holidays

How to Organize Your Life for the Holidays

Happy holidays! I hope you’re enjoying this festive season, no matter where in the world you live and what you’re celebrating at this time of year. For myself, I’m making final preparations for what’s shaping up to be a green Christmas in Toronto. That means a bit of last-minute shopping and the beginning of a busy week full of gatherings of family and friends. In the middle of it all, I’ll still be heading into work to wrap up a few year-end activities. Suffice it to say it’s a busy time of year! So how on earth do we keep ourselves organized during the holidays?

I’ve put together a few general tips that will help you feel put together throughout the season. Feel free to add your own in the comments!

Create a Consolidated Holiday Calendar

I’ve got a lot going on during the last couple weeks of the year — family events, work deadlines, launching my business, and finding time for reflection before the New Year. It can be tempting to compartmentalize these areas of your life and consider them all separately. But when you have competing priorities in only a short amount of time, it’s important to lay them all out together and get a sense of how to best allocate your time. 

I use a paper planner for this purpose, but you could also use your phone’s built-in calendar or a digital productivity app. (I’ve been experimenting with Asana lately, so that might be a good place to start!) Regardless of what method you choose, the point is to clearly see what activities are coming up across all areas of your life, so that you can prioritize accordingly.

Stick with Your Daily Rituals

The holidays are a great time to take a bit of a break from the hustle of your usual schedule. But if you already have a daily ritual in place, I’d encourage you to keep that momentum going! Your daily practices will help you stay grounded and consistent during this variable and potentially stressful time of year. My daily morning ritual includes meditation, journaling, and exercise, and it’s key to feeling like I have my head on straight. I stuck with my ritual on my wedding day for this same reason!

If you don’t have a daily ritual, perhaps take a few minutes to think about what activities you enjoy doing on a regular basis that help you feel calm and ready for anything. See how you can incorporate those activities throughout the holiday season.

Gift-Giving Organization

If you find yourself surrounded by gifts during the holidays, some physical organizing might be in order. I recommend finding one spot in your home for each of the below:

  • Gift wrapping supplies (I am all for “re-gifting” bags, tissue paper, and the like — better for the environment and your wallet!)
  • Receipts for gifts you’re giving
  • Receipts for gifts you’ve received (in case of warranties or returns)

And as a general rule, be sure to keep your eye on your credit card and bank account balances. The last thing you need during a busy holiday is to be wasting money on overdraft penalties, interest, or late fees!

Get a Head Start on Your 2020 Goals

I’m iffy on the phrase “New Year’s Resolutions”, but I know we all love to set goals for the new year (and the new decade)! You’ve probably heard the statistic that 80% of New Year’s Resolutions fail, which might be a bit of a deterrent. The fact is, pinning all your goals on a single day of the year puts a ton of pressure on you all at once. January 1st becomes the most daunting day of the year instead of the most exciting! But by starting early, finding routines and accountability that work for you, you’ll have the structure and support you need by the time you get to the New Year. You’re no longer scrambling to figure it all out on one day! 

If one of your goals for 2020 is to get your life together, now is the best time to get started. Take the pressure off January 1st and take steps now to get organized for 2020! Book a free intro call with me today to chat about your goals and how Simple Harmonic can be the perfect support you need to transform your life in the new decade!

Which of these tips was the most helpful for you? How do you stay organized during the holidays? Let me know in the comments below!

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