Let’s face it. We headed into quarantine with the hope that it would last a few weeks… a month, tops. Now we’re rounding out Week 7! And while some states and businesses are beginning to reopen, the priority is on safer, more essential services. (As it should be!) Unfortunately, the gym simply does not fall into that category. Maybe that quarantine fitness plan of “wait it out” wasn’t the most realistic?
It’s a new month, and a new chance to kick-start that quarantine fitness routine – for real this time. Here are five steps to create that routine and stick to it until life returns to “normal” (and beyond!).
1. Identify your Time Blocks
Your schedule during this lockdown might look drastically different from normal. Maybe you’re working extra hours as a front-line worker. Maybe you’re working from home, saving time on a commute. Maybe you’re off work for the moment and looking for other opportunities while self-isolating. And you’re also juggling your household all being home at once, plus a lineup of Zoom calls with family and friends. It can be a bit crazy!
After seven weeks (or so) of quarantine, it’s a good opportunity for a time audit. How are you spending your time? Or, more importantly, what time are you wasting throughout your day? These are perfect opportunities for fitting in a workout. Also keep in mind the times that you feel the most motivated. During this period of uncertainty, trying to turn yourself into a morning workout person may not be the most efficient use of energy. Be honest with yourself and plan accordingly!
2. Identify your Resources
Your at-home workout setup is going to be the limiting factor in your ability to continue your pre-COVID workout routine (if you had one). Naturally, if you were a regular gym-goer, you may not have a full squat rack and set of machines to use at home. This is especially true if you’re in a condo with minimal space and had been using your building’s gym! So your first step will be to take inventory of what you do have in terms of workout gear. Dust off those hand weights and resistance bands!
If you have nothing in your place… it’s time to think outside the box! Can you use cans from your kitchen cupboard, wine bottles, or other heavy objects as weights? What about filling a backpack with textbooks to amp up your planks and squats? Your home is probably full of opportunities for makeshift workout gear, and now is the time to use it.
3. Choose your Style
This step requires a bit of self-reflection if your normal routine has been disrupted, or if you’re creating one for the first time. What do you like to do? What are your goals for this period? Obviously if you have weight-specific strength training goals (e.g. bench press Xlbs), then you might have to put them on hold. The key here is to come up with the types of workouts that you’ll actually want to stick to. This is a challenging time emotionally for many of us, so choosing a goal that feels out of reach may set you back rather than propelling you forward. It’s all about your why here. Why are you incorporating fitness into your quarantine schedule, and what benefits will it give you? This will help you choose the style of workout that you’ll take on – and continue.
4. Choose your Quarantine Fitness Method
Now we’re really digging into the practical. What moves, routines, or classes will you follow on a daily basis? For cardio queens out there, this might simply mean picking a training plan – which days will be long runs, hills, or sprints? If you’re used to the gym and just need at-home swaps, Pinterest and YouTube are excellent resources. Just turn on your pump-up gym playlist and get to work!
But for those of us that are used to the motivation of in-person classes, it’s time to get a bit more creative. Your choice here will depend on your personal level of self-motivation. Highly motivated people can invent a workout similar to their usual classes and crush it. For added inspiration, there are tons of printable workouts on Pinterest to leverage. Others might need an instructor to keep them engaged. Zoom workout classes are becoming all the rage, so check your local studios to see their online offerings!
If you’re like me, following YouTube workouts provides the perfect blend of energy and autonomy. (I need the upbeat direction of a trainer, but they don’t need to actually be watching me on video!) I’ve been working out with Sydney Cummings for almost a year on YouTube, and I will continue to sing her praises! She has hundreds of free workouts, generally 30-60 minutes long. Many require weights or other at-home equipment, but she has an entire playlist of 150+ no-equipment workouts of all styles. And she’s super energetic and motivating! Check her out if you haven’t already! If you’re more of a yoga or pilates fan, check out Yoga With Adriene (duh) or Blogilates for more of a challenge.
5. Find your Accountability
So you’ve chosen when, how, and why you’re starting this quarantine fitness regimen. The question now becomes: how will you ensure that you’ll stay on track? I’ve talked about accountability before, and there are lots of different ways to find it. I’ll list out some options below that are relevant to our current situation – obviously meeting friends at the gym isn’t the most realistic option right now!
- Personal Accountability and Tracking: Download an app, or create or buy a paper planner that will let you track your workouts. If you’re the kind of person that loves maintaining “streaks” and beating personal bests, this is a great way to start! I personally use my Fitbit app for this.
- Online Fitness Groups: I will forever shout out my OG fitness inspiration, the #tiuteam! (That’s Tone It Up, for the uninitiated.) No matter what style of workout you decide to follow, you are guaranteed to find a devoted community online. Check out Instagram hashtags, Facebook groups, or even Meetup – yes, for online meetups only!
- Virtual Check-Ins: If you already have some workout buddies IRL, continue to motivate each other virtually! Check in with each other on a daily or weekly basis to ensure you’re all sticking to your goals. I know a lot of us are struggling with loneliness during this time, so this option is a win-win.
- Find a Coach: Given the global pandemic going on, lots of in-person fitness trainers have shifted to online support. Plus, you have tons of virtual coaches in a variety of spaces that had already built up their businesses and support in the online space. (Looking for support to get your life together in more than just your fitness? Click here to learn more about working with me as a life organization coach!)
It’s time to kick-start your Quarantine Fitness Routine!
What are your plans for quarantine fitness? Share your experience in the comments below!